Rite of
the Womb
The Rite of the Womb was born from the female shamans of the Shipibo Nation deep in the Amazon Jungle. This Rite was given as an energetic transmission with the intention of healing all the wounds of the womb by releasing the suffering, fear, and pain that has been carried from womb to womb, generation after generation. Through this beautiful ritual, women and men are invited to initiate deep healing within themselves and within their ancestral lines.
(El Rito del Utero - El Rito del Utero nacio de los shamanes femeninas de la Nacion Shipibo en lo profundo de la selva Amazonica. Este Rito fue dado como una transmicion energetica con la intencion de sanar todas las heridas del utero liberando el sufrimiento, miedo, y dolor que ha sido llevado de utero a utero, generacion tras generacion. A traves de este hermoso ritual, mujeres y hombres estan invitados a iniciar una sanacion profunda dentro de si mismos y dentro de sus lineas ancestrales.)